We envision
a world
where migration is seen as courageous, and is met with the supportive community, safety, and healing necessary to rebuild home.
well-being and belonging are not defined by citizenship status, native language, or racial categorization.

We create systems that connect people to the resources they need, and mobilize institutions to eliminate barriers to access.

Centering transformative relationships, we work at the intersection of social mobility, health equity, and language justice.

Language Justice

We use community-led design to disrupt threats to the health and safety of refugee and migrant communities.  

Individuals and communities have fundamental rights to language, culture, self expression, and equal participation. We challenge the English dominance and Euro-centric definitions of knowledge and leadership by investing time and resources in leadership development of Members, so that they can represent their community’s own priorities. And we alter institutions to provide space for full democratic participation.

Collective Care

It's all about relationships. We believe in the enduring power of mutual aid, and build on the social and emotional support that exists within and across neighbors. We create and sustain transformative relationships, where both parties take care of one another. In addition to being wonderfully reciprocal, these relationships are grounded in a critical awareness of structures and legacies of power and oppression, so that we may experience radical companionship and solidarity - across lines of difference - in the here and now.

Democratizing the Commons

Societally, English improficiency is, historically and presently, a tool used for the political and economic exclusion and exploitation of migrant and refugee communities. English dominant environments undermine self-agency, increase isolation, and prevent public information from reaching non-English-primary speaking communities. We work to level the playing field by opening the door to public knowledge and idea exchange, establishing language autonomy, and building a body of data to evaluate practices within institutions.

We dream in language, we sing in language, we think in language. It is tied to our lands, to our bodies, to our relationships, and to our knowledge. It is important that we feel respected as speakers—not just for what we have to say, but also how we say it.

- Antena Aire

News & Stories


Families from Afghanistan are arriving

While our hearts are aching for Afghanistan, we are ready to welcome families arriving in the Chapel Hill area and help them create a safe, peaceful, dignified new home and robust support networks. The most effective way you can help is by setting up a recurring donation, but don't hesitate to get in touch with us if there is any other way you'd like to help.
Go to Donation Page

2022 Impact Storyboard is here!

Our much-celebrated Impact Storyboard is hot off the press, packed with stories, memorable moments, shout outs, and lessons learned from 2022.
2022 Impact Storyboard

EXCITING NEWS: RCP's new Co-Executive Directors!

We've been quiet the last few months, but only because we've been hard at work, and finally the time is here! It is with unbridled joy and electric excitement to share that, beginning July 1st, Daniella Runyambo, Meagan Clawar, Katherine Ward, and Maddie Hayes will serve as RCP's Co-Executive Directors! For many years we have been longing to transition away from a sole Executive Director model and toward a a collective leadership structure, and one that centers lived experience with the refugee and migrant journey. Daniella, Meagan, and Katherine are brilliant, hilarious, and inspiring badasses who have brought immense wisdom and vision to the RCP team.
Read details

Winner of 2023 JMK Innovation Prize

RCP's VAULT (Voices for Advancement Until Language Transformation) is one of 10 awardees of the J.M. Kaplan Fund's Innovation Prize, designed to support change makers tackling America’s most pressing challenges through social and environmental innovation. “VAULT is pioneering a community-first model for patients who are systemically excluded from our healthcare system,” said Justin Goldbach, J.M.K. Innovation Prize Program Director...

RCP Awarded $300,000 to Address Language Inaccess in Healthcare

Refugee Community Partnership today announced a $300,000 grant in support of an ambitious campaign to address language inaccess within local health care institutions. The three year campaign is part of the Community Solutions for Health Equity program, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and led by the national non-profit health equity advocacy organization, Community Catalyst.
Read at Community Catalyst
In the Press

On the frontlines of American democracy

With misinformation soaring, it’s more important than ever that communities have reliable sources of information to count on. New Media Ventures has awarded 14 trusted messengers in key Southern and swing states to protect democracy. “Given the declining trust in traditional news outlets and national brands, we believe that investing in trusted media and messengers, not just nationally but also at the local level, is essential to protecting and expanding our democracy,” said New Media Ventures President Carlissia N. Graham...

Families from Afghanistan are arriving

While our hearts are aching for Afghanistan, we are ready to welcome families arriving in the Chapel Hill area and help them create a safe, peaceful, dignified new home and robust support networks. The most effective way you can help is by setting up a recurring donation, but don't hesitate to get in touch with us if there is any other way you'd like to help.
Go to Donation Page

2022 Impact Storyboard is here!

Our much-celebrated Impact Storyboard is hot off the press, packed with stories, memorable moments, shout outs, and lessons learned from 2022.
2022 Impact Storyboard

EXCITING NEWS: RCP's new Co-Executive Directors!

We've been quiet the last few months, but only because we've been hard at work, and finally the time is here! It is with unbridled joy and electric excitement to share that, beginning July 1st, Daniella Runyambo, Meagan Clawar, Katherine Ward, and Maddie Hayes will serve as RCP's Co-Executive Directors! For many years we have been longing to transition away from a sole Executive Director model and toward a a collective leadership structure, and one that centers lived experience with the refugee and migrant journey. Daniella, Meagan, and Katherine are brilliant, hilarious, and inspiring badasses who have brought immense wisdom and vision to the RCP team.
Read details
More News & Stories

The Squad

Our blueprint is to take care of each other. We work toward divesting from dominant culture norms, expectations, and structures that are designed to undermine that.

We are a volunteer-driven organization that believes in the transformative power of relationship-based community organizing, and deliberate reciprocity.


As Bridge Builder volunteers, we work closely alongside RCP families to assist them in reaching their goals. Bridge Builders join a Neighborhood Pod, made up of other Bridge Builder volunteers and a Pod Leader. Pods are mini-support communities, where Bridge Builders join together to problem solve, share tips and resources, and celebrate successes. This is a unique and powerful experience for volunteers of all ages. While we prefer volunteers be able to commit for 2+ years, Bridge Builders involves a 1 year minimum commitment, visiting with families for ~4 hours per week, and participating in RCP's regular community events.



Grassroots donations is the only way this work can happen long term. Join everyday folks in making donations to RCP to keep this work alive and sustainable! Make an online donation here (one-time or monthly!), write a check, share our Facebook fundraisers - the opportunities are endless :)



Are you excited about the work we do? Do you enjoy leading the charge, and giving your time and expertise to a good cause? Consider becoming an advisor or board member to the Refugee Community Partnership. We need a wide array of talent and experience in order to build a powerful community.

Do you have specific skills or talents you'd like to use to help RCP further its mission? If you are a photographer, website guru, social media strategist, journalist, graphic designer, multi-lingual speaker, or other specially skilled magician, consider volunteering your expertise

Contact Us
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refugee community partnership